The iStartup Angels Group

Becoming an Investor in the iStartupAngels Group

iStartupAngels group's strength lies in deep experience to identify disruptive innovation startups across sectors and we manage a deal flow with young companies offering groundbreaking solutions to address real problems, that represent unique investment opportunities from a large variety of fields.

Our main objective is to build, manage, and lead the investment step by step, all the way up to a high yield return for the investors and growth for the companies. Our deal flow consists of companies from all early stages including Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A, and Series B, however our investment sweet spot is the Seed and A Rounds, with focus on companies that have or are about to transition from Research and Development to Sales and Marketing organizations.

The group makes own investments in selected companies and in addition we work with 3rd party investors that are interested in deal-flow from us. We partner to share deal flow (potential opportunities) feedback, due diligence work, and pool funds to make larger investments in high-growth business start-ups in exchange for convertible debt or ownership equity.

iStartupAngels offers flexibility to investors to join the group as a limited partner, invest in our fund, or invest directly into a technology company. We use our expertise to keep the best interest of all investors within our investment group.
Benefits of teaming-up with the iStartupAngels Group

We'll work with you closely to understand your budget and investment preferences, then we'll present you with the most suitable options to work with
Our typical group’s investment ranges widely from $50,000 to $500,000 per deal, or higher when when we involve 3rd party investors.

Members attend periodical meetings (in our offices or web-meetings) where up to 5 companies deliver investor pitches. These companies are selected from the tens of companies that are actively sourced by us and subjected to a rigorous screening process.

If the group (or our partners) decides to proceed, interested members commonly collaborate on due diligence and deal negotiation, led by an iStartupAngels team. Investments are either made directly by individual members, or by the group as a whole. We apply standard terms to our investments, with some flexibility to negotiate.

Individual angels typically will invest between $50,000 and $200,000 per transaction, and in most cases up to $500,000 as a group.

Investor's Benefits:
  • Get notified of promising startups that are looking for investment capital
  • Rigorous screening process
  • Periodical meetings in our offices or through web-meetings, presenting the most promising startups
  • Professional due diligence. We assign industry experts to assess the quality of prospective companies
  • Deal negotiations
  • Involvement in company management
  • Periodical reporting
  • Work with a team of professionals with proven experience and track record
  • Invest in our fund, or invest directly into a technology company
Typical Angel Investors and Partners:
The Group works with four types of angel investors / partners:

Financial Angels
Typically invest purely for a financial return.

Guardian Angels
Bring both entrepreneurial and industry expertise. Many have been successful entrepreneurs in the same sector as the new companies in which they invest.

Entrepreneur Angels
Have experience starting companies but come from different industry sectors.

Operational Angels
Offer industry expertise – often from experience working for large, established companies – but may lack first-hand experience with the travails of a start-up.

The network of an investor is incredibly important both for raising additional capital, as well as strategic expertise in a given area.
Join the iStartupAngels Group
Are you an investor looking to expand your investment portfolio? Would you like to discover new ideas that can really make a difference in this world through thoughtful, intelligent and disruptive technologies combined with entrepreneurial passion? If YES, then join us - this is the place for you! This group was created for active investors of all types that have an interest in small venture investing. So join, learn, share your experiences, get involved, invest and profit. To receive information about joining our Angel Investors Group leave your details on our CONTACT page and we'll come back to you shortly.
About Us
iStartupAngels Group is a meeting place for the entrepreneurs and investors. We work with innovative startup companies, angel investors, venture capitalists and other business leaders.
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